Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Super Target 2145 is now open!

After a month a hardwork, the store finally opened today! I can't hardly believe it either. It has been a very long and stressful month, but all that is finally over. YEA!

We opened our doors at 5pm today to the public, and I, along with several other of my friends stationed ourselves on the toy aisle just before the doors opened. We did this so we could get a kick out of the 40 year old children sprinting down the aisle to get to the infamous 10th Anniversary Tickle Me Elmo endcap! People are crazy....AND I HOPE NONE OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS WOULD HAVE TO BE CATEGORIZED IN THAT GROUP OF PEOPLE!!!!! I was standing in the aisle waiting for the doors to be opened when my friend told me to watch out. I moved just in time to miss being trampled on! They tore down the header trying to get their red doll, and the endcap was gone within a minute.

Here are some pics from not only today, but of the past month getting it ready for today! Hope you enjoy! Love and Miss You All!!!!!!! And yes, incase you are wondering that's me in the box! :)