Well, I have a couple of message boards that I check regularly, a Stay at Home Mom group, and another playgroup...I'll have to add the "blog" to my list. My online time gets later and later at night!
Jason and I met my dad and Megan halfway between here and San Angelo this afternoon to send the girls with them for the week. My mom was meeting Amy in Abilene to get the boys. They will be busy, busy!!! I called on our way home from church this evening (well, it was after 10:00-we had a going away dinner and a "roast" for our preacher. He's leaving next week) and my dad had been rocking Ally, and Emma was wanting Aunt Megan to lay in bed with her. I had a talk with Emma...and shortly after my mom said they layed Ally down again and she stayed. I think she's just not used to her pac-'n-play.
Anyway, I'll try to post a couple pics of the girls. I don't know what I'll come up with, but I'll try...and I'll get out tomorrow and get some of our garden-we've had fresh red and green bell peppers, jalepenos, zuccinni, yellow squash, tomatoes, green beans, and strawberries! The only thing we're waiting on is the cantaloupe. Yummmm!
love you all bunches,
weeeeeelll...turns out I figured out how to post pictures!! You all will be sorry now.
There should be one of each of the girls roller skating. Emma was so cute-she did the YMCA dance all around the rink!
Ally is having fun with shaving cream...and Emma has a butterfly painted on her face at the Animal Planet Expo.
The girls are scooping some water from an otherwise dry river bed. There is a neat hiking trail that leads down to it (in Leander) and there are some dinosaur tracks in the dry bed. It's really cool. Emma takes her binoculars and hunts up whatever she can. Jason found a mom and dad crawfish this last time. The girls thought that was neat.
I better stop. I may be in trouble, now that I figured this out.
Debbie-I love the birdhouses! We have a couple in our backyard, and a hummingbird feeder. We're trying to get some flowerbeds going too. Your yard looks amazing!