Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hi everyone,

This is a picture of Kelly when she was in Washington DC this past school year. She was giving a speech about objecting to removing "under God" from the pledge.

Answer to Deb's Question

Go to blogger.com and sign in with our username and password that Cody set up for us. It will take you to what is called the Dashboard. Click the + that is entitled New Post next to the Mihills Family Blog. It will take you to where you can create a new blog. This is where you can post anything new you want to. If you want to add a picture there is what looks like a picture of a landscape at the end of the toolbar on the right side....click that and it will take you to the downloading process of a picture. There you are able to choose the layout and browse for your picture. Just follow the prompts after that and it will bring you back to the page where you are writing. When you are finished click the red one that says publish post and then you are finished!

I hope this helps Debs! Let me know if you still need help with it.

Monday, July 10, 2006

It's been TOO long......

........since the last time we went skiing! We need to plan another trip and go again!!!!

WHO IS IN?????


I see your two and I raise you two!!!

Cody put out a challenge this morning, and well, I can't back down from a challenge. Seeing that I am not married and do not have children I figured I would have to go with my beautiful seven year old girl named Snickers! Man, she is a handful! I hope you like these recent pictures of her.

Love to all!


I am winning 2 to zip

This blog has existed for about 24 hours now, and I am the only person to show off his/her kid. I am a little dissapointed in you all, and I offer that statement as a general challenge to the cousins, aunts and uncles, parents and granparents to start posting some photos and telling some stories.

This picture was taken of Andy on Easter Sunday.

If you have spent much time around Andy, you know that smile on his face is a permanent fixture, and it gets bigger anytime there are cars, trucks or trains to play with or look at!

Well, it appears I have an office full of folks to go tend to, and a full waiting room. Have a nice day!


Sunday, July 09, 2006

This is a picture of Nathan and Andy from the Mihills Family reunion. I didn't get to go because I was in Nicaragua on a medical mission trip, but I heard it was a lot of fun. Thanks to Mandy for all of her hard work getting this thing put together!! Cody

Welcome to The Mihills Family Blog

It's Sunday afternoon, July the 9th, 2006. I figured I would start a blog for the family to keep in touch and share with each other photos and news on the kids, jobs, travels, etc. Cody.