Thursday, July 20, 2006

Picture Test Number 3

I think I may have a system to place pictures on this blog. It is extremely round about to get the folder where a lot of pictures are located and move them to a folder that this blog program will find. Here goes the third try.

p.s.: If any offensive pictures show up I disavow all responsibility in advance.

2nd p.s. It worked. These pictures were taken in Boston on the 4th of July 2006.

Blog lesson time.

Cindy asked me to help her figure out how to get on the blog. Well as you (hopefully) can see, it was successful. Now if we can figure out how to place pictures on it we will be doing good. We will try to place a picture on the blog now. Wish us luck.

Mike and Cindy

Monday, July 17, 2006

Our Hard Work is Finally Paying Off!!

Our hard work is finally paying off. I wanted to share some pictures of our yard. We got home Sunday from Houston where we had gone to a friend's wedding and the Texas Sage were in full bloom. It literally happened overnight. The plants next to them are Texas Lilacs. They have tripled in size since we planted them in the spring. They are a really good plant for hot, dry climates. The other pictures are of the flower bed in the back yard. We've wanted to put flower beds back there for years, but we finally did one this year. We plan to buy a tiller and really go to town back there next year. We planted dwarf weeping crepe myrtles, pittsporium and impatiens, mostly. Everything is doing so well. Just hope we can keep it watered enough to keep everything alive. I also wanted to show a picture of the patio cover we had built last year. Most of you haven't seen that. We're really enjoying it when it's not too hot to go out!

Love, Debbie