Saturday, August 05, 2006

Hi everyone,

This is Kelly and where she works. She seems to love her job and sounds like she is a very hard worker. Sometimes the tips are good and other times not so good.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hi there! Just thought we'd add some pictures of our "baby" to the mix! These are a little old - there's no way Brek could pick Norman up these days...we think he's up to about 80 pounds now - but we don't know for sure since we don't have a scale big enough to weigh him at home:) I need to get back to work now but I'll try to post some more news and pics soon! Take care, Alissa (p.s. Great idea Cody! Thanks for setting this up!)

Monday, July 31, 2006

My weekend trip to St. Louis

My friends and I won American Airlines tickets when we went to the last home game of the Mavs season. Of course there was a catch we could only go to one of four we chose St. Louis. It was extremly HOT, but we had a good time! We saw the Arch, a cool museum..where Misty might have broken her foot at, the zoo, and listened to some live music on the river and watched fireworks. By the way Misty gets married in two weeks, so keep your fingers crossed that she doesn't have to use crutches to get down the isle!!! Here are some pictures from our trip. And by the way...those stairs were MURDER!!!!!!!!

Have a good day!
