Sunday, July 23, 2006

Our Week-End

Well, I warned you that if no one else posted any pictures of the little ones that I would, so here goes! We had Grace and Nathan spend the night last night and then Jamie, Jennifer and Sam came to church with us this morning so we could show Sam off to everyone. Then everyone, including Cody, came over for grilled hamburgers. We had a great time! The only one missing was Andy. We had so much fun with the kids yesterday. We had made plans to help them build bird houses, so Russell had them all cut out and I had them painted and I bought stencils for the kids to decorate them and then I bought little ice cream sticks to use for picket fences. I had even spray painted the sticks white! Well, the kids had other ideas! I thought I would put the paint on the press on stencils and then figure out where I wanted them to go where they would look the best. (The stencils were of flowers and bugs.) I thought pink, blue and yellow flowers would be nice with green leaves. Then we would scatter a few bugs (red for lady bugs, maybe blue for butterflies, etc.) We wound up with blue leaves, pink lady bugs, white flowers to name a few and no picket fence at all. But they turned out precious and the kids loved making them. Then we had an evening at Chuckie Cheese. Russell and I had never been to Chucky Cheese. Jamie said that he was in college before he figured out that it wasn't only rich people who went to Chucky Cheese! ha We ordered their over-priced pizzas and bought lots of tokens and spent 2 hours there. The kids had a ball. We took pictures of ourselves and they played basketball and skee ball and a game where a lizard with a long tongue tries to catch bugs. They played so hard that they both went to bed and didn't get up one time! That's a first. They were both asleep within a minute of going to bed. Russell and I fell asleep pretty fast ourselves. Anyway, here are some pictures from the week-end.
Don't make me post more pictures of my beautiful grandchildren. That's not an empty threat!!

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