Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ladies' Retreat Part 3 (Really just an excuse to put more pictures of my grandbabies on the blog!)

If anyone else would ever post to this blog you could see your own kids and grandkids. As it is, you'll just have to look at mine!!!

Ladies' Retreat Pictures Part 2

I still haven't figured out how to post as many pictures as I want to one blog. So here's some more!

Ladies Retreat '06

We had a lot of fun at the retreat last week-end!! We missed Vickie, Jenni, Amy & Megan. I guess being 9 months pregnant or having just gotten married are pretty good reasons to miss. Not that Vickie and Jenni don't have good reasons, too! ha

It was really relaxed at Louise's. She seemed to really enjoy having everyone there and everyone that was there seemed to enjoy being there.

We did something a little different this year. We had a devotional Sunday morning instead of going to worship services somewhere. I think everyone really enjoyed it. Nancy and Barbara came up with most of it, so I vote that they do that every year!!

We had an age range of 6 months (Samuel) to 90 years (Aunt Amy). I think that's pretty special.

Cindy had a senior moment and volunteered to have it at her house next year. I don't think she got much sleep that night!!

Love you all!! Debbie